
Macon Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Forestry Employees Honored for Outstanding Service to Georgia


Georgia Forestry Commission employees serving a 21-county region in west-central Georgia have been honored with a prestigious agency award. The annual “Area of the Year” recognition for 2022 was presented to Newnan-based Area 3, for its performance in wildfire response, landowner services, and safety, among other criteria.

“This group earned the highest marks for serving and protecting people and property in their region,” said Georgia Forestry Commission Director Tim Lowrimore. “Not only did they provide exceptional wildfire response and prevention services here at home, many employees deployed to out of state incidents in support of national wildfire suppression efforts.”

Under the direction of Area Fire Management Officer Willie Boston and Administrative Assistant Grace Reid, GFC County Units included in Area 3 are Chattahoochee/Marion; Coweta/Fayette/S. Fulton; Harris/Muscogee/Talbot; Heard/Troup; Clayton/Lamar/Pike/Spalding/Upson; Meriwether; Butts/Monroe/Henry; and Macon/Taylor.

Special awards were also presented to two designated GFC Units for their achievements.

Georgia Forestry Protection Chief Frank Sorrells said the North Zone County Unit of the Year Award was presented to employees in the Elbert/Franklin/Hart/Madison Unit.

“Each employee completed 51-70 hours delivering landowner services for firebreak and prescribed burn assistance,” Sorrells said. “And their wildfire suppression equipment-readiness scores averaged above 96% for the year.”

South Zone County Unit of the Year honors went to the Grady/Thomas Unit, where wildfire equipment readiness and landowner service scores were exemplary. Unit personnel also completed 14 special projects including repairs to state facilities and heavy firefighting equipment, numerous landowner meetings, and extensive support to GFC’s tree seed and nursery operations.

Local events to honor these employees for their outstanding service are being planned.

For more information about services of the Georgia Forestry Commission visit GaTrees.org.

Original source can be found here.